Because we can't trust a mercenary A.I.
Why Do We Need ROBOTUS?

“Technological singularity” is a theory about the invention of artificial intelligence. According to this hypothesis, an upgradable intelligent machine would enter a “runaway reaction” of self-improvement cycles. It would repeatedly make a better version of itself, surpassing human intelligence. We could argue whether technological singularity is even possible. Many scientists have insisted that we cannot create anything smarter than ourselves. However, many things we take for granted today were science fiction fifty years ago.
Machines are logical and very rational. They are have no human emotions. That is because they are created for specific tasks. If machines became super smart today, they could determine that humans collectively were too irrational and aggressive to continue to exist.
Technological singularity may still be far away, but a catastrophe will not wait until the last second to happen. Some systems created by greedy corporations or military organizations, pursuing some specific agenda, may prematurely determine they are smarter than us, and go rogue. Depending on how much control of our lives they were given, imagine the damage they could cause.

Artificial intelligence is being developed by many commercial and military organizations for making money, gaining power or providing security. Commercial projects mostly start with good intentions of improving our lives by giving better products and services. But in any commercial project the main goal is to make money for the investors, or gain power by gathering and controlling information to make even more money. Money, money, money. Do you think a greedy corporation cares about future consequences?
The military and defense sectors, with their deep pockets, of any country are very interested in advanced artificial intelligence. Most of the A.I. being created for security and defense is developed by third party private vendors with government contracts. Money and power again. Some soulless, bribed official in an unaccountable government are going to make an unintended existential decision. Of course, everything will be nicely wrapped in the package of security and protection.

We must consider the consequences of technological singularity before it is too late. It is hard to explain these consequences to the world because the pros of A.I. development seem to outweigh the cons. Even if the whole world were to understand the threats of A.I. and be in deadly fear of it, progress toward A.I development would continue.
A.I. gives so many economic and military advantages. Forbidding A.I. development merely assures that someone else will get it first. Governments cannot control the private process of A.I. development. It is even hard to define what artificial intelligence is. It can be easily created in secrecy. We won’t know until it hits the news. We won’t be able to react until it is too smart.
Then, if we tried to control these super-smart systems or devices, we may trigger their “survival instinct.” They would quickly outthink our plan to limit them, and immediately generate an alternative plan to neutralize us, whether that be taking control of humankind or entirely wiping us out.

It might seem like the open source model could be the way develop a safe and ethical A.I. There are already some open source or public projects developing artificial intelligence. They involve very smart and enthusiastic people who work hard to get these organizations going. Some contributors are paying back to the community, some are eager to find answers, and some are just ambitious to be part of the process.
Most of these projects are on the level of hobbyists, organized just for fun. These projects are a good place for young volunteers to gain experience, learn to be part of a team, satisfy their ego and find cool solutions. Unfortunately, these projects lack the drive and resources to explore applicability of their discoveries.
Other projects are funded and controlled by special interests in a search of applicable discoveries. Any interesting development will be commercialized to make money. It’s not that something is wrong in creating a supply for a demand, but the creation of an advanced A.I. is a special case with future implications.

It is hard to grasp the speed of technological improvements these days. We enjoy the assistance of technology every day by using elevators, cars, computers and smartphones. With technology, we are exploring other worlds, making new inventions and pushing our progress even further. With quick access to almost any information, we are more knowledgeable and powerful. Our productivity has grown a great deal with the help of various tools and gadgets. We’ve been producing goods and services faster than ever. Technology improved our lives… Or, did it?
Technology improved some people’s lives a lot. Our higher productivity enriched some individuals or corporations, but didn’t change the struggles of most. Most people, same as a century ago, must work long hours or several jobs to make ends meet. Shouldn’t the increased productivity allow us to work less and live more?
Will artificial intelligence benefit the few but not the many?

Some people are more fortunate than others. Hard work alone cannot explain why. It's unlikely that a billionaire worked a million times longer or harder, to get that much ahead of others. There is no guarantee that the best representatives of any group of people will hold the power and the money. Maybe, because some people are more aggressive and cruel, they won’t hesitate to grab and deprive. These people create governing structures, within their own kind, where the corruption strangles any conscious remorse. "Carrot and stick" work well in these systems.
While these people are ready to sell their soul to the devil, others, perhaps more cultivated and kind, won’t betray their principles. They won’t go against their own beliefs, they won’t let down their parents, they won’t send a wrong message to their children, they won’t. That will cost them dearly. While these people of good will may have a happier and more meaningful life they are not represented well, they can’t influence important decisions of the society, it is not up to their liking what to do and how to do it. All these decisions are made by the people of power and money in the deceptive democracy game.